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Teen Psychologist


Our psychologists are specialists in mental health who can help with emotional, behavioural, and psychological difficulties, life issues and mental health problems. They can help if you’re experiencing grief, loss, stress, anger, trauma and relationship problems. Psychological assessments are available to diagnose mental health issues, behavioural disorders


Treatment options

We provide a number of psychology treatment options, these include:

  • Psychological assessments: identify and measure characteristics and abilities to diagnose and create treatment plans.

  • Cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT): looking at the relationship between thoughts, feelings, actions and how they affect perception and wellbeing

  • Interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT): work on one’s relationships with others such as family, friends, partners and work colleagues.

  • Dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT): focus on recognising and regulating emotions, and accepting uncomfortable thoughts and feelings.

  • Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT): being present in the moment and focusing on accepting thoughts and feelings as they are.

  • Supportive psychotherapy: talking through an issue or concern and gaining support and encouragement in finding practical solutions

  • Family therapy: working with family members to help resolve family-specific issues.

  • Acceptance and commitment therapy

  • Psychodynamic psychotherapy: looking at how childhood experiences and thoughts subconsciously affect your current thinking, feelings, relationships and behaviour and combat negative patterns formed from them.

  • Group therapy: people experiencing similar issues to resolve them as a group and shows support for one another.

See our other services



Speech Pathology

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